A couple of nights ago I was minding my own bussiness having a wonderful sleep and dreaming something lovely I’m sure. It was a warm evening so I had both windows open to stay cool. Then, suddenly, I was awoken by a horrendous sound and the building shuddered. It stopped, but then another train like sound came rushing toward the house, it hit with brutal force. The house shook and the noise was deafening. Paper in my room started to fly around and coat hangers in the wardrobe clanged together. No sooner did it hit the house this menace zoomed off into distance. Its war cry getting quieter as it went. Then another attack, but this time I was ready, braising myself for the shake and hiding under the covers to protect myself from flying debris. I was not going to be defeated, I will endure this vicious and unprovoked attach! However, eventually, and sadly it did take a couple of hours, I decided to stop being so lazy and close the windows. Lesson learned, when a strong northerly blows batten down the hatches, weigh down the paper, close the wardrobe door and never be so lazy again. Wind 1, Lou 0 and I wouldn’t bet on me winning this game!!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Two weeks ago I moved into my new home. It is conveniently located about a 5 minute walk away from uni and since moving in i don’t think i have made it in before 9 am. Strange how closer you live the more likely you are to be late.
I live with three others, Steph, Mark and Bernie, all of which are incredibly great, especially Steph because she shared her German chocolate with us and it was very yummy. They all have proper jobs and as the youngest they keep an eye on me. Its a bit like living with three older brothers and sister but without the squabbling.
The house is a typical kiwi house, wooden exterior, no double glazing or central heating, but it’s a great house with a great view over the city. It’s absolutely fantastic at night seeing all the lights, and not bad during the day either. The back of the house faces north so it gets the sun most of the day and my room gets it mid afternoon to the evening.
All in all I am rather comfy and I only see it improving as I am yet to have a bed (currently sleeping on a chair bed). Hope you like the pictures.
Main path out the house
Kitchen again
View from lounge
Back Garden (no picture of the bedroom, it's a mess)
Monday, March 29, 2010
I started Uni promptly on Monday and was shown my new home for the next year. I have three room buddies, although I have only met two of them. Mike and Chris; both masters students. The third is lucky enough to be doing a PhD on Fiji so is away in the field. Anyway the office is ok and if you twist and stretch a bit we even have a view. It's of a car park, but I'm sure exciting things can happen in them.
My desk is located away from the window, behind the door. It's not a bad thing as I know I would be distracted by all the planes flying form the airport.
As all good offices should have there is bountiful supply of shelving. Unfortunately, being on the smaller side, I can’t actually reach the majority of them!
My tidy desk space
The office also has a few extras that you wouldn't get in Plymouth. I naively forgot Wellington is similar to San Francisco and lies on a fault line. There are bungee cords across the shelving to keep your books in place during an earthquake. There are also emergency water bottles and we are suppose to keep high energy rations like chocolate in the office just in case the building collapses and you are stuck for a couple of days in the rubble. The water stays were it is but I keep eating the rations. But so far only the extremely strong southerly wind has made the building shake and hopefully it will remain that way.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
My First Day Trip
I arrived in Wellington on Sunday 21 st February at 8:30 am! Thankfully, Rewi was there waiting for me at the gate to pick me up. I was staying at his and his family until I found a new place to live. It turns out that that took 3 weeks, which meant lots of lovely food prepared and cooked by Pat (Rewi's wife). I did do the washing up so I wasn't taking complete advantage of their hospitality.
Anyway, Rewi took me back to their houses, which was located in a suburb called Karori, and showed me to my new room. The house they were renting was obviously previously lived in by a young family. I was given the child's room, complete with rocking horse, small chalk board and a lamp which made stars on the ceiling when the light was on. I also got a rather cool Thomas the Tank Engine quilt cover. Luckily I am short so only my feet were, slightly, hanging over the end of the bed. But, it was a lovely bed nonetheless and very comfortable. I slept very well whilst there and the rocking horse was fun as well.
I was starting to feel jet lagged at around 12 pm, so we went for my first trip to Makara beach. It was gloriously sunny, but as usual for the Wellington area, quite windy. Exactly what I needed to blow away the cobwebs from the horribly long flight. The beach was incredibly beautiful and the coastline wonderful. Considering is was a sunny Sunday is was very quite with only a few people to share it with. We went for a short walk around to one of the headlines and ate lunch on a sheltered slope. I had by this time put on my third sun screen application!! My pommy skin just can't handle this strong sun.
Map of wellington with the subtle arrow pointing to Makara Beach
Makara Beach and blue, yes blue skies!!!!
Rewi and Pat checking out the route.
Luncheon location for the day!
We went back 'home' around 2 pm and I promptly fell asleep until 10 pm!! Not the wisest idea when one is trying to get over jet lag. Fortunately, Pat had cooked me tea, which I promptly ate and then swallowed a sleeping tablet. I didn't wake until 8 am, Not bad me thinks. I was in uni an hour later for my first day!
My first blog
Hi everyone.
This is my first blog post. Sorry it's taken a long time to get round to it. It will be slightly out of date too, but I have some nice piccys so show you all. I hope you enjoy and find it interesting. Oh and I am also rubbish with technology, so this may be disastrous!! Also, no comments on the bad gramma or spelling.
This is my first blog post. Sorry it's taken a long time to get round to it. It will be slightly out of date too, but I have some nice piccys so show you all. I hope you enjoy and find it interesting. Oh and I am also rubbish with technology, so this may be disastrous!! Also, no comments on the bad gramma or spelling.
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